Dig Deep

Dig Deep
Deep Will I Dig

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Traits That Empaths Share - 3 - Many empaths are introverted

Untitled - Andrea Stöckel

Greetings my deep digging sibs!


In the past few months, I've been writing about traits that empaths share.  You can read my last post here: We're Just Antennas in which I wrote about empaths absorbing the emotions of others and the effect that can have on relationships.

The trait I'm writing about today is a bit of an obvious one but still worth mentioning and perhaps expounding on a bit:

3. Many empaths are introverted

This is one of those traits that makes one ask, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Are empaths introverted by nature or do their empathic characteristics drive them toward introversion?  I think it's all tied up together and so both are true.  Certainly, the absorbing of the mass stimuli that comes with being around a lot of other people, can cause a highly sensitive individual to avoid crowds or at least minimize the time spent there.  

 But of all the impulses that empaths are picking up, those which emit from other people are the most positive, magnetic, and uplifting.  Sometimes, introverted empaths are seen as not wanting to be around people in general and this is a misunderstanding.  Introverted empaths are renewed and energized not only by spending time alone but also by being around and inspiring others.   Even the negativity we feel coming from others is often a driving force to ease and redirect that energy within everyone who is being affected.

No matter what, empaths do at some point need to retreat and disconnect from everything coming at them for at least a little while.  The need to process all that has been received is essential.  But this need to process, interpret, understand, and remove the noise is not only for the benefit of the empathic individual but also for others in the individual's world.  

Empaths disconnect and allow the energy to diffuse so that we can remain healthy and available to re-engage with and benefit others.  

This process of sparking to extrovert along with the importance of introverted reflection can be a delicate balance for the introverted empath and there must be a constant awareness and deliberate steps taken to maintain a healthy balance.

Admittedly, I am not particularly good with maintaining this balance and have much work to do to learn to preserve it.  I often welcome the stimulus from others without caution and find myself suffocating in layers of overwhelming energy noise.  I've got to be more aware of the stimulus coming in and intentionally remove myself to a quiet place of reflection and processing before I reach this overwhelming place that benefits no one.  As always, I've got a lot of work to do on myself!


Until next time, I wish peace, love, and times of quiet reflection for each of you.

Let's keep digging together fellow earth babies!