Dig Deep

Dig Deep
Deep Will I Dig

Saturday, October 28, 2017

This is My Place

  This is My Place

Hey Deep Diggers!
If you happen to come across this page over the interwebs, please feel free to follow my Facebook page at Digging Deeper.

I wanted to take a moment to thank each of you who show up to take a ride on this blog journey with me.

I’m the first to admit that this blog is an odd little place. A little like that box of chocolates that Forrest Gump compared life to: When you show up on this page, you never know what you’re going to get. To me, variety is indeed the spice of life. Sometimes this serves me well and other not so much. It’s the reason, I have several different blogs. I just can’t fathom pinning myself to one genre of writing. At the same time, it’s difficult for me to throw them all together, hence the various blog pages.

Still, if you’ve visited Digging Deeper much, you have observed that even though I try to stay on topics of philosophy, the content is still varied and it will stay that way. It’s much more interesting to me to tune in, not knowing exactly what to expect and I kind of think that’s true for others as well. And this is, after all, my place.

This being my place, be aware that there will be things here that you will like. Things you will not like. Things that strike a sentimental or happy chord. Things that make you angry. Things that inspire you. Things that grate against what you believe with your entire being. This is my place and I welcome you here but, quite frankly, sometimes my writing is intended to benefit or move others and sometimes it is solely for my own catharsis. This is the place that I have built and you don’t have to enter but be aware that if you do, it may not always feel welcoming. I encourage you to look past the feeling and go deeper.

Having said all of this, I hope to continue with some Childhood Stories. Some of you have read the few I’ve posted and look forward to more. They are coming.

I will also be posting some related to Christianity, religion and beliefs in general. I will say things that many of you will disagree with. However, I invite you to read and reflect. If nothing else, I am always and ever evaluating all sides of issues of significance and I invite you to do the same.

Thanks for being here and being a part of my life, even if it’s only a digital part.

Peace to all!